Welcome to marcustongyoga.com!
Thank you for coming and checking out my site! If you didn't know already, my name is Marcus and I am a yoga instructor in beautiful Vancouver, BC. I've been practicing yoga since 2007 and teaching since 2008. Yoga is my dream, my passion, my everything. Through the years of my practice and teaching I've seen so many positive transformation in myself and with my students.
I built this site as a means to share what I love doing. I want to spread the message of yoga to as many people as possible. I truly believe that everyone should be practicing yoga and that it can change the world in such a positive way. A consistent and dedicated practice can be life changing! My hope is that maybe in some way I can inspire you to get out and take your first yoga class or to help guide and motivate your current practice.
For this blog section, I will be posting on a weekly basis so make sure you come check back. Blog posts can range from anything from little posture clinics, yoga philosophy, current events in the yoga community, or even my own personal thoughts and opinions on a yoga related topic. I want to use this as a forum to bring people together and have some healthy discussion. So leave a comment, ask a question, and 'like' the post. Feel free to let me know what you want to see here.
Before I go, I do want to thank everyone, from friends, family, studio owners, teachers, students for all the support and love they have given me over the years. I can remember how much fear and doubt I had when I decided to become an instructor, and when I decided to leave my job to pursue teaching full-time. I am forever grateful to those who believed in me and stood by me in times when I didn't even believe in myself.
Special thanks to John Bello (http://johnbello.ca) who is responsible for all the beautiful photos on this site, Freddy Sim for hair and styling, and Thom Robins for helping with all the social media and the building of this site!